Become a Member
Copy and paste the form below into a blank Word or other printable document. Fill in the information, print it and then send it with a check made out to “Red-headed Woodpecker Recovery/ RhWR” to the address at the bottom of the page.
____ Yes, I’d like to join! Please add me as a member of the Red-headed Woodpecker Recovery (RhWR) at the rate of $20/year (Suggested $50). Please send my membership information to the address below.
____ Yes, I’d like to renew! Renew my RhWR membership for $20/year (Suggested $50). Update your contact information below.
CITY __________________STATE ______ ZIP ________
E-MAIL ________________________________________
Red-headed Woodpecker Recovery
PO Box 32172
Minneapolis, MN 55432-9998